I grew up in a home where right was right and wrong was wrong, and there
was no gray area. As I got older I started to realize that the lines
between right and wrong are a lot more blurry than I was led to believe.
The cookie cutter mold my parents wanted me to fit into was something I
could never do. Needless to say, my relationship with my immediate
family is almost non existent. Who would have thought I would find the
family I needed in a fraternity?
Before college I could have told you a million things I wanted to do
with my life- none of which were joining a fraternity. As far as I was
concerned, fraternities were groups of guys who only cared about
sleeping with women, getting so drunk they blacked out, and hazing
pledges. I couldn't have been more wrong.
I don’t know why I joined and I have no idea what possessed me to stick
it out, but I couldn't be more grateful for the organization I joined.
When people look at me they automatically think “How the hell is he in a
fraternity?” I fit none of the stereotypes.
My brothers taught me that it’s not on the outside that makes a man, but
it is what’s on the inside that makes you classy, wise, and strong. A
man is not determined by his accomplishments in the gym or bedroom, but
by the strength of his heart and the way he serves others.
My organization taught me what being a man really is, and after two
years of membership I have grown in ways I couldn't possibly have
imagined. I have grown to love the organization I joined and now I serve
my chapter in the role of president.
Going Greek is the most beneficial thing I've done with my life. It gave
me a home and a support system that I can’t imagine my life without.
#fraternity #family #gay #support
#fraternity #family #gay #support
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